The director, Andre Dalhman, called to say that his mini-documentary has been accepted by AFI to be shown at SilverDocs sometime between June 22-27. I will post the exact date and time later.
I feel that a Premier introducing Charlie to the audience would be an excellent way to promote this documentary.

Many of our customers and members of the SS Historical Society contacted AFI, only to get an unplesant response. HOWEVER, these calls and e-mails did work and sent a message of AFI that showing this film would be good for the community and good for promoting SilverDocs.

Please spread the word and let's hope we have have a good premier for Charlie.
~ Lynn Koiner

1 comment:

  1. Lynn Koiner is such a sweet lady! I was looking for grape leaves and came across her father's farm information online. I called and she made it easy for me to get the leaves. God bless her heart.
